Tuesday, 11 October 2011

After Doing some Initial Filming and Test Footage

After the test filming last thursday that Ed, Chris and Charlotte carried out, we uploaded the footage to the computer and it gave us an idea of the sorts of things that we would need to consider in our actual music video filming.

It helped us to think about the locations, e.g. we booked for the music room so that we could have use of it on the wednesday of this week in the evening  - 12/10/11

This lesson, we were in the music room doing some test shots and a bit of initial footage in the music room.

Additionally, we planned what we would do in both evenings of filming outside of college.

Monday 10/10/11 - Filming in Town

Wednesday 12/10/11 - Filming in college in music room

Test Footage
After we got back to the class room and uploaded it onto the mac. We were able to to see the kind of close ups we were looking for. We noticed we didn't really have enough close ups and that we needed to bare this in mind. We also had to move the piano because of a door which did'nt look great in the background. The room we were using was quiet packed as well with musical instruments so we had to move all of them around.

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